Roland Emmerich’s Rome Epic: Visualization Case Study
Roland Emmerich Director Those About to Die

Based on screenplays written by Robert Rodat, the series is a drama set in the complex and corrupt world of ancient Rome’s spectacle-driven gladiatorial competition. The series introduces an ensemble of characters from all corners of the Roman Empire who collide at the explosive intersection of sports, politics, and dynasties.

Realdream Studio delivered comprehensive visualization for Roland Emmerich’s ancient Rome series “Those About to Die,” creating the visual foundation for this ambitious epic. Our team lead by Fulvio Sestito established operations at Rome’s Cinecittà Studios, where we developed groundbreaking previsualization techniques that shaped the entire production’s approach to bringing ancient Rome to life.

Visualization Challenge: Challenge: Bringing Ancient Rome to Life at Scale

The series demanded unprecedented scope and historical accuracy, requiring our team to:

  • Reconstruct ancient Rome with precise historical detail
  • Choreograph complex crowd sequences with thousands of digital performers
  • Develop realistic animal animation systems for hero lions
  • Create accurate digital doubles of principal cast members
  • Establish a mobile motion capture system within Cinecittà Studios

Solution: Real-time Innovation Meets Classical Filmmaking

Our Unreal Engine-based pipeline proved instrumental in meeting these challenges. We developed a custom virtual camera system that perfectly replicated Emmerich’s preferred lenses and camera equipment, allowing for intuitive direction in the virtual space. This technical innovation, combined with our modular asset system, enabled rapid iteration and unprecedented creative flexibility.

Roland Emmerich Director Those About to Die
Roland Emmerich Director Those About to Die

Impact: Streamlined Production Through Advanced Visualization

Working closely with Production Designers Johannes Muecke and Laura Pozzaglio, we crafted detailed environmental previsualization that directly informed the construction of physical sets. Our collaboration with VFX Supervisor Peter Travers and Double Negative (DNEG) ensured seamless integration between practical and digital elements, particularly for complex action sequences destined for LED wall stages.

Key Achievements:

  • Created the definitive visual blueprint for the entire series
  • Delivered reusable digital assets through an efficient, real-time pipeline
  • Established effective workflows between art department, construction, and visual effects
  • Maintained rapid iteration cycles despite the project’s massive scope
  • Successfully integrated virtual production techniques with traditional filmmaking methods
Realdream's Fulvio Sestito with legendary actor Anthony Hopkins
Realdream's Fulvio Sestito with legendary actor Anthony Hopkins

Technical Innovation

Our fully in-engine workflow produced not only stunning visualization but also generated production-ready assets that could be repurposed throughout the pipeline, significantly optimizing resources and maintaining consistency across all departments.